The client has practiced deep meditation and communicated with her subconscious mind for many years. She often has information transmitted to her during these deep meditation events and many times ends up physically drained. The information she receives provides insights into her life and the spiritual world. Six months previous to the session she had experienced a trance where she was emotional tortured. This experienced made her fearful and made her questioned her concepts of spirituality & free will. Her constant focus on this experience has made her uneasy and has caused her to have many sleepless nights. She spends so much time thinking about this nightmare it has impacted her quality of life. She wanted to explore this concern in her session
In the first regression scene the client immediately felt an overwhelming feeling of warmth and a sense of being at home. She found herself walking on a mountain she walked many times before. There were shrines all along the path. Her senses picked up the crispness of the air and the sounds of the forest. When prompted to describe what else she was seeing she advised she just wanted to “Be”.
When she started talking again she was able to see a big, beautiful and ancient city in the distance. She noticed many artistic forms. She felt as if she had been to this city many times before. The streets were very narrow and the walkway was made of wood. As she was looking at the city she felt pulled and she moved into the forest next to the city. It was a deep forest with lots of trees. It was a very rainy day. As she walked she observed the buildings and felt she was never allowed inside.
She continued up the walkway towards the top of the mountain which was protected by the statues of the guardians of the gate. She continued following the path observing she was wearing a red robe and carrying a walking stick. Once on top of the mountain, she observed a big beautiful sea and experienced a sense of always longing to be on or near the sea.
In the next scene she found herself travelling very far. She felt formless and observed herself surrounded by thousands of sparkling stars. As she looked out into the distance, she saw a spot that started to increase in size. As she got closer to the object it appeared to turn into a planet. The planet was colored purple & green. The clouds surrounding the planet were bluish purple. As she continued to approach the planet a walkway appeared which she followed. This walkway leads to a huge structure.
Once at the structure she observed many more structures located on what appeared to be an island. Once on the island there was a very large, beautiful and magnificent made-made waterfall. Most of the surrounding area was water. The water from the water fall fell into a giant and enormous round hole. The color of the water swirling around was purple.
She then moved into a scene where the ground was orange. She observed primitive huts but not necessarily for a human form. She felt very lonely and felt as if she was a child with a long grey head. The feeling of desolation was very strong.
She moved back into the scene with the large buildings and was on a rooftop. Once again she saw the huge water fall pouring into the huge round hole. The wall of water was tremendous and went on for a great distance. Looking into the water she saw a light which illuminated a shadow of a cocoon like structure under the water which appeared robotic in nature.
She was pulled to another scene where she was going down a very long staircase. At the end of the staircase she came out into a large garden. The garden was filled with many fountains surrounding a palace. A palace she felt she was at many moons ago.
The scene transformed into a spot in a forest. Looking up she saw a nice house sitting on top of a mountain. Sitting on a flowered terrace was an older Chinese man. Inside was a desk cluttered with a lifetime of thoughts and ideas. It was a beautiful and calm place. This was a place where the older man could write his thoughts and wisdom from a lifetime of experiences.
In the final scene she felt as if she was on a giant ship taking to the water. The ship was going through a channel during a very raining time. It eventually arrived at a mountain surrounded by glaciers flowing down the sides. As the mountains came closer there were platform structures coming off of the mountain. Looking towards the glaciers she saw something underneath. She saw something creeping out – but not human like.
The answers received from the subconscious advised clues for the current life are found in past lives. Places on earth that are far apart are often connected because of the people who once lived there and are still connected. The client is living in a state of fear. Not knowing the truth creates fear within. The thought of being alone creates fear. Fear creates additional fear such as seeing herself being a puppeteer to herself. She also envisions herself to be re-incarnated in other people & when all the lives end there would only be one over-soul left and the over-soul would be left all alone.
Before ending the session the subconscious was asked if there was a final message the client needed to hear. The client was told to LIVE. One must live as long as the heart is beating. The client should practice active learning. Curiosity is infinite and there is always more to learn. When she hits a bump in the road, she needs to keep walking, bump after bump. It is the only way to arrive at the next milestone in her life. Her purpose is to put together the concepts from this world and the other world she is from and create another way. As the words were coming to the end it seems the voice transition from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Her words ended by saying “I will not fail… Am I that stubborn?… or Am I That devoted”.