The client has been on a spiritual journey attending spiritual retreats for a number of years. Her goal is to heal unresolved conflict she has with family. She finds she has self-doubts, fear of failure and at times being disorganized. Singing and dancing are things she enjoyed doing as a youngster, but as she grew older hesitated to do so fearing she will not do it well. She is also looking to find what career would best suit her in the future. Her health issues include ear problems, sore throat, spine pain & urinary tract infections.
As the client moves into a state of relaxation she finds herself surrounded by darkness. The darkness appears to her to be soft and friendly. She continues to enter into a deeper state of relaxation and sees movement in the distance. As the details of the distance begin to take shape she recognizes a night sky with many stars. Occasionally, one of the stars would light up and sparkle brightly for just a second. Within this scene she experiences stillness & calmness. Within this scene she senses a presence all around her. This benevolent presence is always following her to provide guidance. The message she feels she is receiving at this time is to slow down – feel the joy – and be happy. Experience the wonder of just being.
The client enters into a second scene where she is lying on a bright sandy and clean beach. As she looks out into the water she sees an infinitely calm ocean of clean blue water. She finds herself wearing a pink and orange bathing suit and sunglasses. A short palm tree is in the distance with a short shadow of shade extending onto the beach. Once again she finds herself enjoying the experience of the stillness and calmness of the scene.
The client moves into another scene where she finds herself in a meadow. As she looks out she finds a man wearing a red shirt and jeans. She begins to follow him and she ends up walking down a mountain following 3 people. The people are carrying things and she finds their bodies are covered with what she perceives as paint. She continues down the mountain until she finds these same three people sitting in a circle. As she approaches them she observes their hands are moving and they appear to be making something, but she cannot quit see what they are making. They appear to be happy and are sitting next to a primitive looking shelter.
The client moves into another scene where she finds herself in the middle of a tribal celebration. The entire village of people is gathered together dancing and celebrating a new life. The people have formed a circle where she and the other women are in the middle dancing. The men are on the outside circle either playing musical instruments or standing. She recognizes a woman in the middle wearing blue clothing who she feels she has a special connection with. Within this scene she feels safe and calm.
The client moves into another scene where she finds herself watching the men of the village gather and getting ready to leave on a hunting expedition. In this scene snow is on the ground and the men are covered with animal skins. The men are carrying weapons of spears, bows and arrows.
In the final scene the client is in the middle a dance festival which is celebrating nature. Only women are present and they are all dressed in white. The scene is surrounded by grass and beautiful flowers. There is a woman sitting down and playing what appears to be a harp.
The message from this past life was to enjoy life. Live a life of compassion and understanding.
When we brought her subconscious forward it provided her answers to the questions she brought with her.
Self Confidence/Self Worth: You have the right and the ability to live your life free from the fear of judgement. Free from the fear of embarrassment. Free from the opinions of everyone else. This is your life to live and ONLY your life to live. Everyone have their own life to live. What other people believe about how you and how you live your life means nothing. The more you care about their opinions the more POWER you give to what they think. This takes away time from you to live your life.
Fear of Failure/Procrastination: Comes from a fear of failure triggered at a young age when you were mocked and ridiculed by the kids. This fear has stopped your from trying to do the things you set out to do. Your procrastination would stop if you release your fear of rejection. We are here on this earth to learn. We are not perfect, and were not meant to be perfect. No one knows everything. We are here to make mistakes and to learn from them. Mistakes are OK. They are just a stepping stones to get closer to your goals, your dreams and personal growth. Having an accountability coach had a positive impact in your life in other circumstances.
Day Dreaming: While day dreaming can be fun, it is often used as a tool to escape from stress. When done excessively you feel a sense of guilt for the time loss – for not living your life more fully. You have found exercising the brain with meditation brings you into the PRESENT. When you feel in the present you are more aware of your thoughts, experience less critical self- talk & feel more peaceful. Retreats have been successful in helping to bring you into this more relaxed state of meditation. Stress will often make you forget the good habits you have learned.
Boundaries: Boundaries are necessary in this world to protect you. It does not mean you are a bad person. It does not mean you are not loving, open and generous. It just means you set these parameters to protect yourself from negativity and bad intentions. Even people with good intentions for you can sometimes go over the line unintentionally. Taking care of you is OK! Taking care of yourself and taking care of the energies around you does not make you selfish.
Disorganization/Stress: You have not been happy with your current living situation for a long time. When you are in an unhappy situation your sense of caring diminishes. Living at someone else’s home does not provide a sense of ownership where you feel you can invite people. This had caused you to be disorganized compared to other living situations you were in previously. The situation at home is an example of feeling under stress in an emotional situation. In times like this, the stress occupies your mind. Learning the early warning signs/triggers of being in an emotional stressful situation is important so you would know to pull away from the situation to help maintain your mind’s clarity.
Moving: Living alone at this time would bring a feeling of loneliness to you. Your friend expectations are significantly different then your expectations for where to live. Her expectation of your living arrangements is above both her and your financial means. She is not always up front with you. You also find it difficult to be honest with her and to honestly state your own wishes and desires. While another friends expectations are more in line with your own thinking, you have a sense she will judge you on your past credit history. Unless you state the facts clearly to her you will never know if living arrangements between the two of you is possible. This is another example on how the fear of judgement is holding you back from doing what you want to do.
Romance: You are conflicted between declaring your feelings for him in the hope he would respond in kind, with the fear he would reject your friendship if does not feel the same way. Your subconscious suggested creating some distance with him would be helpful to you in resolving this conflict.
Career: You are inspired by helping people. You love makeup and beauty. You love research because you love to learn. You feel a strong desire to move forward with your cousin in creating a spiritual retreat business. You are torn between the excitement of meeting new people and travelling to new places with the fear of giving up the safety of the people you now know. If it works it could open up a door of new opportunities. Your subconscious mind advised your conscious mind sees the decision as an ALL or Nothing decision. It advised it does not have to be a 100% yes or no decision. Moving to another place does not mean you give up the family and friends you now have. It means just changing the way you meet and communicate with them.
Brother: You have already made the decision to try to re-connect with your brother. You are willing to accept whatever the end results are. You realize once you offer a sign of love, it is up to your brother to accept or reject it. You can only be responsible for your actions and he must be responsible for his.
Appearance: Looking good makes you feel perfect. It’s unrealistic to look perfect all the time and you need to learn it’s unrealistic to look good all the time. Learn to accept yourself and all of your imperfections. Do the best you can. What perfect means to one person is not the same definition of perfection to someone else.
Closing Advice from Sub-Conscious: STOP caring about what other people think. You are wonderful and your opinion is the most important opinion. You are going to able to deal with anything that comes your way. It is OK to make mistakes.
The following are possible spiritual reasons for ailments discussed. This information should be considered informational only and used base on your own spiritual beliefs. If this information does not resonate with your intuition it should be ignored. (Source: Soul Speak The Language of Your Body, Julia Cannon, Ozark Mountain Press, 2013)
Ear Problems: Issues with hearing guidance from others or from not listening to your own inner voice
Throat Problems: Speaking your truth or holding back – Fear of speaking out your truth
Urinary Infections: You need to release a toxic situation from your life
Spine Issues: Not standing up for what you believe- being wishy washy
Image used is courtesy of Vlado at