Since many years I've become interested in stories of past lives, reading books of people who experienced this. Eventually, I wanted to experience this on my own, learn from my past lives and understand the impact they have in my current life - as unsolved issues or seeing the cause of patterns I have today. A few years ago I experienced a very traumatic event and I was a bit afraid what could happen during the hypnosis. It helped me a lot to understand that I already have the answers in my mind, but that I need to listen to my own intuition, knowledge and wisdom more.
I feel that it's not so much about learning new things, but confirming what we already know. We decide more often to not believe our subconscious or to believe that our reasoning is the correct authority and then make bad decisions. The session helped me immensely to trust my intuition and subconscious more. The session has already started to benefit me, for I started to hear my intuition and "gut feeling", which I believe is nothing else than your subconscious speaking to you. I am more confident than before and also started to more easily let go of things. This was a huge issue that came up repeatedly in my answers.
I would say to expect less insights from the past life in itself, than from the actual conversation with the subconscious. I definitely would always encourage people to do a session like this, but to not expect the same results I got. This is a very unique, personal and individual experience that won't be the same for someone else.
I was surprised that Tim asked my subconscious to answer my questions pronounced through him. It was interesting to hear my answers from the perspective of a third person and not as "I". It makes it easier to follow the advice given as it feels like a higher instance talked to me. Tim was very calm and inspired trust, which helped a lot in relaxing. He is also a very good listener and knows how to ask the right questions. He also was repeating my answers, which helped in the recording, because my voice was not loud enough.
August 8, 2016