I attended the QHHT session because of a desperate need to grow/ change and move beyond a few things that have been keeping me stuck and not moving forward in my life for a very long time. This was all about stepping into the next phase and beyond in my life. I feel I’m on the precipice of great awareness and change. And I needed something to help usher that in more fully and more presently. I was just excited to do and experience the work. I really was so READY to move beyond what has been limiting me and my connection with higher source.
What I learned during the session is you can in fact reach the subconscious mind even from an awakened state or alpha state and still get somewhat of the answers you seek. During the session I felt wide awake and a little sleepy or groggy. However, I was very aware. It wasn’t until I reviewed the tape and listened again that I realized I did not remember all the material and conversation which was an indication to me, I was probably operating between an awake and a semi-awake state at times.
Tim was very easy to work with. He made me feel comfortable and relaxed and did an excellent job at explaining the process and what to expect…. I would recommend him to anyone as he is very gentle, attentive and also effective.
One of the most surprising things to me was that when certain key questions were asked, I could feel intense agitation in my body or mind creeping up. In fact, a few times I wanted to STOP the session because I was getting so annoyed. I had to breath through it. Having studied lots of energy work, I was aware that this uncomfortable experience that occurs doing deep release work is often attributed to our inner voice wanting to create road blocks so we stop the progress of letting go of these emotions or issues and keep us in that habitual state. At some level it’s familiar to us, even if it’s to our detriment, so we become comfortable in that fear or scenario. I also knew that what I was annoyed about really wasn’t the issue, it was within me rising to the surface to challenge me. Eventually it will pass, as it did.
Since I was already aware of what was happening, I knew that the very nature of this coming up meant I had to STICK WITH THE SESSION and MOVE BEYOND IT in order the get to the other side of the worm hole, so to speak. And ultimately, Let It Go!
Participants should know before the session begins some things and experiences which may occur. For instance, during the early stages of the guided meditation, I was thinking I was doing something wrong because I knew I was still in an awake state. It wasn’t until I said to him “I’m awake Tim, I don’t know if you know that….” ? Once he guided me back to just answer the questions again and that it was ok, I relaxed more and wasn’t so worried about doing or answering incorrectly. I was also free from the fear that I was presenting myself as if I was in a hypnotic state, when I was not. I did not want to be inauthentic. This may help people know that each thing is their own experience and it’s ok.
I think it’s important for people to understand that one of the biggest things I think they should understand is that sometimes physical sensations, emotions or agitations in their body can come up. It would be helpful for them to know that this is part of the process of letting go and that just simply working through it and sticking with it is important to the success of the session. Also, our mind can sometimes create these “stories” if they think we are unsafe. And this is an unreal feeling of lack of safety, often held from early stages of human development.
After listening to the recording I was surprised at some of the comments since I did not remember some of them. Also, now a few days later, I really have some clarity about a few things that came up in the session, especially after hearing a few things. A few pieces of the puzzle came together.
I have for sure seen shifts and openings since the session where things that were brought out during our time together, showed up in my life in the past few days. I know this was the universe giving me a change to push things forward and move them so they are no longer stuck. I felt a sense of empowerment when having a conversation with a few people. I was clear, concise and in motion getting stuff done!!! It felt SO GOOD to have more motivation to get this MOVING.
It for sure felt like my inner voice and knowing-ness on many occasions was present answering the questions. A few other times I felt my answers came from what my conscious mind was familiar with saying. However for the most part, I was pleased with the experience and feel more will be revealed through this experience as the days and weeks continue. I’m looking forward to see what other things come forward and shift.
The session confirmed some of the areas I knew I needed to act on. What was really reinforced was “Action”, don’t think or try to be perfect. Just do it. Keep going. Also, the session was as if some of the information had been sitting on the surface and just articulating it made it real. However, I felt as if it came from a deeper place.
I also feel writing and reviewing the questions together and spending time before to review them really allowed the subconscious mind to begin the process of preparing myself to explore and gather the answers. It was as if I was signing a contract with the universe, during my preparation time, or really it goes as far back as my first introductory call with Tim.
So the session helped put it all together in a way that allowed my conscious mind to actually experience what the subconscious already knew and by voicing it, I was able to integrate the two together as a way to move beyond what was the culprit or reasons for being stuck. It was like it gave me permission to move beyond.
My throat chakra has opened up more (and heart had some clearing as well on Wednesday after the session). I KNOW without any uncertainty that it was something I had to work on before. I already knew this. However now, after the session it was really confirmed at how many health concerns I have been having were linked to the thyroid.
The funny thing was after I wrote the entire list under health concerns, I didn’t realize it until speaking with Tim, that the Thyroid has a connection to many of the items on the list. I knew it ,but not until we were reviewing it that I said to him “… well that’s also a symptom of thyroid… and that too….”.
If I communicate my feelings, needs, wants and desires more by expressing myself ,my Thyroid issues and those other ancillary health items related to it will clear up. Knowing and executing are two different things. The past few days, I have been executing more. And actually, I have been exercising my voice. I felt different when speaking out the past few days about a few instances and was not emotionally charged;. Rather, I found a better, healthier way to communicate what I wanted to say so the other person received the information better, even if I didn’t say something in a negative way. Sometimes people receive the info wrong or defensively. This was not the case the past several days.
Do it. It’s a very easy and relaxing process if you stay honest and true to yourself. You have to be ready for change and open to let go of what is not longer serving or working for you.