For the past 2 years, I had been feeling discontented with my life. On the outside everything seemed normal. I had a job in a Big Company, an opportunity to grow and relationships that seemed stable. However, I didn’t feel content with what I had. I doubted my inner voice that was screaming that I was on the wrong path. I was looking for ways to reduce the noise of the external world and stop muting my inner voice. I was concerned that I was losing my sanity and the spiritual searches I was undertaking were not real. I thought I should be more concentrated on "reality" instead of looking for something unknown. My rational mind took control 100%. In preparing for the session, I slept very well and stretched a lot to have my body more relaxed. During the session I felt natural, no restrictions, no pressure. Everything seemed very clear and lucid. I was able to vividly imagined pictures of everything Tim was asking me to imagine. I was watching the movie with my eyes closed. I was 100% immersed in it. Tim’s knowledge of hypnosis and his personal story about his journey to QHHT and spiritual searches relieved my biggest worries that I was losing my sanity. I realized I was not the only person going through this type of experience and it increased my level of trust and helped me to fully relax. After listening to the recording of the session, I felt much empowered after realizing all my hidden "inner truths". After listening to the recording, before I fell asleep and early in the morning, it helped me to let go of worries and helped me to move towards my goals. During the session, the questions I brought were answered by my higher self. In the future, in cases where I may have doubts I will definitely use QHHT again. If a person is interested in having a QHHT session they should have an open mind. Believe in yourself. Everything worthy and groundbreaking takes courage to dive into the unknown. I would recommend reading and watching as many videos about QHHT and Mrs. Cannon’s work. You will be on the same page when you attend your session. This is how you can "prime your mind" for the session.
April 27, 2018