In this post I am sharing feedback provided by a client. Her explanation of her journey through the QHHT hypnosis process and how she “experienced” the process is a helpful guide to those who are thinking about taking the journey themselves.
“My primary reason for attending the session was my desire to identify the root cause of issues pertaining to self-esteem and personal boundaries. I also had questions concerning ways to assist my children with their own personal paths. I was highly concerned about whether or not I could be hypnotized. Any concerns that I had revolved around the process, since I had no prior experience with hypnosis. I learned that hypnosis was very different from what I previously thought. I was surprised that I was able to access information while still remembering important details once the session was over. I also learned that talking during the actual hypnosis is key to “going deeper” and obtaining information and answers.
“I felt very relaxed as I was guided into a deep state. I also felt very safe while “observing” important events. I was able to feel the emotions from important memories like I was experiencing them again. I was glad that I continued to gain further insights while listening to the recording. Memories that seemed to be unrelated to one another actually shared the same “root cause”. I discovered that the cause of recent issues stemmed from a childhood event that I previously felt was insignificant.
“During hypnosis, I was able to identify an event that greatly impacted my self-esteem. I knew I struggled with issues revolving around self-worth and I was surprised to discover that the cause of my self-worth issue was not what I previously believed it to be. It stemmed from an event that I apparently repressed. I was also able to emotionally heal from incidents that occurred many years ago.
“One important discovery that I made, via the session, had to do with the toll that stress is taking on my body. I discussed issues of weight gain, anemia, and fatigue with Tim prior to the session. It was revealed that I need to find ways to reduce my overall stress and take better care of my body. Since the session, I have been making time to get some much needed rest. The session helped me to realize that I have been in a cycle with regard to my overall health. My exhaustion has led to poor eating habits and weight gain. This of course leads to more exhaustion. It was revealed that reducing my overall stress would help me resolve some of my current health issues.
“My advice to people is approach the session with an open mind and share as much information as possible with the practitioner before the hypnosis begins. I would also tell them that it is important to put any embarrassment that they may have aside so that they may ask the important questions that will lead to a break through. ”