Through the years the client has found herself in job situations where she never found passion in what she was doing. Economic detours often left her in financial distress. She feels she has been living in a box constrained by circumstance beyond her control with no solution in sight. During this time she has experienced a number of relationships, but never any ending in a long term loving relationship.
Physical ailments started after her work life started. She had a tight knit family and a happy family life, but somewhat insulated from the general community. A work crisis would trigger thyroid problems, eye issues, and gum bleeding and bone loss under the teeth. She has been out of work now for a year and is experiencing tiredness, insomnia & occasional bouts of depression which she did not have at the moment. She also expressed the feeling that she did not feel she was of this earth. She felt she was a stranger and was hoping not to have to return after her current lifetime.
The client started her regression on a stone staircase which originated deep beneath the ocean and rose up onto an island. The island contained what she perceived as round shaped homes surrounded by beautiful purple flowers and dark indigo flowers surrounding the individual purple flowers. She also found great comfort and peace swimming in the ocean near the staircase. She found the color of the fish & coral very vivid and found the ebb and flow of swimming in the water soothing. The purpose for being there was to be the guardian of nature. No other people were present.
She then entered a capsule that appeared on the island. While traveling in the capsule she stretched out and enjoyed the journey. She had no knowledge as to why she was there or where she was going. The capsule was pre-programmed to take her to her destination. There were no other people present in the capsule. On exiting the capsule she found herself in a large area where there were many people. The people were exchanging information about their experiences with nature and this information was being exchanged in the form of energy.
She then moved into a place where she identified herself as an organizer. There was a very long line of people dressed in white robes. She felt sad for the people on the line. She advised, as each person came to the head of the line, someone would touch the top of their head and the person would transform into energy and disappear into a light. I was unable to get her to communicate with the people or to understand the purpose of the people standing in line or where the person went after disappearing into the light.
She then moved to a place where she saw herself measuring a planet. She was unable to express any reason for doing this. She was also unable to describe how and what she was using to measure the planet. The final place the client found herself in was standing at a distance as she was watching a fiery and molten rock explode or erupt. When taking her to her last day in that life she refused to go. She advised there was no past life in a firm voice.
When speaking with her sub-conscious (SC) it firmly advised the client needed to be reminded to get closer to nature where there is an exchange of energy to address her tiredness. It advised her that her best defense against depression was involving herself in an endeavor that required creativity. The flare up of knee pain was often a sign from the SC that the client placed herself in an unsafe situation and is resolved once she feels safe. The reason for the client’s bleeding gums and bone lost in the mouth is a message whenever she is not focusing on herself and taking care of herself. The SC emphasized the client would better understand her true path if she practices prayer and meditation and has a stronger faith that the higher self will respond if asked. By following the law of attraction she will more easily be able to meet her destiny. By being true to herself, she will attract the people she was meant to meet. When asked if there was a final message the SC advised the client to stop solving other people’s problems… she is only responsible for solving what is inside her.
Image courtesy of jannoon028. Photography at