As I am going through a spiritual awakening, I have entered in another world while gaining different perspectives on what we haven’t been taught of new realities, ancient histories and the truth. So, I had many questions related to these new perspectives in order to connect the pieces with each other and make sense of the broad picture. What I haven’t realized that how much pain I was in and how much soul cleaning and healing I needed.
I was concerned about not letting myself go which was the same concept sarcastically came up several times during the session. Interesting enough, I skipped the meditation part and dived into connecting with my higher self as you told me after the session. I wasn’t completely feeling comfortable with the idea of going a stranger’s house, sharing very intimate and personal information while being under hypnosis. Thankfully, you were genuine enough to comfort me and allow myself to have this experience.
I always thought that one disconnects completely with the conscious mind as there are some examples of people who are able to levitate or adopt behaviors of certain animals during the hypnosis. So, not being in control was the biggest issue as a concern before we started the session. On the other, I didn’t truly know what to expect other than wishing to get answers for my questions. I feel like now certain amount of trust and comfort is established, the next sessions might be slightly different.
While in the hypnotic state it was like hearing what I already knew in my heart out-loud and somehow getting validation. Beside the last part of the session about my blood, Egypt and giving birth to both good and bad, whatever came up was already in my knowledge. I was just not admitting the truth to myself. As you said during our conversation before the session, it is so simple and easy, also easy not to do.
I listened the recording twice and noticed how much I like the tone and softness of Tim’s voice while he was moderating the conversation with my higher self although he was persistent enough on getting more detailed answers. He gained my trust quickly and I have to say that I am a person with trust issues.
My first reaction after listening to the recording was that this was not a new information. Most parts of the session, especially the one relating (to my friend), felt like I was obsessed with him and dying to be together. With regard to this acknowledgment, I really do not know how much I let my conscious mind go and how efficiently I was connected with my higher self. It sounds like I have doubts and confusion now because some information is conflicting with another. I guess there is also no linear timeline of future predictions. It was also so uncomfortable to witness how much pain I was experiencing and sadly I was unaware of this fact and its effects in my daily life. I also think the healing is a process rather than being a magic touch of sudden change. I was so much focused on learning more and getting answers, I couldn’t really realize my needs of healing. When I listen the recording, I can remember my feelings and also every visualization which was not completely translated into words.
I appreciated not only receiving the information but also Tim’s leading with questions based on my list. There were moments I asked myself during the session what the hell that means now. It happened once or twice but I remember vividly questioning myself before getting the answer when he asked about spiritual blood which I am still not aware of the concept. I wonder if this silent self-questioning is a natural part of the process, or a sign of my conscious resistance
The answers I received about my health issues previously listed was mostly my knowledge about my conditions. Some was like being picked from distant memories in this life and transformed into the answers.
A QHHT session is a very interesting and enlightening experience which brings self to analyze, question and reconsider all the issues discussed but also the experience itself. As I have a skeptic personality and academic mindset, I feel like having other sessions will perform as control groups.