I first became aware of Dolores Cannon over 20 years ago thru her Nostradamus books. And always wondered what it would be like to undergo one of her QHHT sessions. At the time I was pursuing other avenues, but now and again I listened to some of her interviews that were available on the internet at the time. I always found her information unique and very sincere. Recently I began reading several of her books and decided it was time to undergo such an experience that many have found profoundly transformative. What would be more illuminating than getting in touch with that part of ourselves that “knows”? I felt very anxious to make sure I have written the correct list of questions. I categorized them to make it easier, as there were many. I was also concerned as to how relaxed I would be to undergo hypnosis. However, our initial consultation that lasted near two hours was instrumental in setting me at ease. I was also apprehensive about that deeper part of me that would come through: what would it sound like, and how alien and unfamiliar it would appear to me? During the regression I realized that my analytical/nitpicking mind was constantly at work. I was concerned that what was coming through would sound ludicrous. I was concerned about the details to make sense. It became easier as I let go, and went along with it. But I do realize that’s my big challenge next time I decide to have a session. I must completely trust the experience. I remember it as “sinking” into a deep well that is expanding. Every part of me was present: my present self, and the deeper part that chose to refer to themselves as “we”, which I found amusing, and sufficiently removed from me, to let them speak their mind. Tim is a very gracious and generous human being. A true gentleman. Very kind and caring, and deeply motivated to do this work. He is patient, and meticulous. I felt extremely comfortable in the session. And the follow-up questions he asked were very incisive. In the session I had two experiences that involved an abduction scenario, where I could not see past a certain point in the memory. I felt very afraid for what may appear on the other side of that memory block. I wonder if there is a methodology for the hypnosis to go deeper where I am only an observer and can move beyond that point, and go past the fear and just observe the events as they unfold. Perhaps this could be something to explore in further sessions, as the very first session involved so much material. I listened to some of the “we” parts. It is wonderful and illuminating. I still have not listened to the other lives/personas narratives. I am a little afraid to do that just yet. I must allow it in my mind and accept it before I can approach it. There is so much to digest. I am positively grateful that I have had this session. It has been a wonderful experience with possible far reaching consequences. But one thing I can say for sure is that, it has helped me to set my priorities. It really is a realigning with the true self of an individual. That in itself brings joy, excitement, enthusiasm, vitality and ultimately health. So I am very optimistic at this point and feel I have struck gold. I do believe that each individual will come to this in their own time. The will is crucial in this scenario. It’s asking a person to take a deep dive in to the depths. That takes determination and a deep desire to know. And ultimately one must trust the experience.
December 18, 2019